Wednesday 9 March 2011

Task 2A Reflective Journal

I have been thinking about the different options for keeping a reflective journal and have decided a written diary would be the best way for me to record my day to day experiences and thoughts. The reason for this is that I can always have it with me, it can be readily used to jot down thoughts that occur to me and will remain private unless I actually show it to someone else. I did consider the various electronic options but decided that I was likely to be more honest with myself and my thoughts about other people in a written diary which I feel could be better protected than an electronic journal. I appreciate that the sections from the journal that I will want to transfer to a blog or another electronic document will still need typing up but for me I think the written diary is the best and most comfortable option. Also I can use it as a rough notebook and make any changers or give further thoughts after a period of reflection. This would be more difficult with an electronic diary. Finally a written diary is not so susceptible to theft as a laptop or mobile phone also it avoids the common occurrence of loss of data.

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